English Vocabulary for Verbs

Learn Common Verbs in English

homesitemapvocabulary verbs
This is a lesson to help you learn common verbs in English. There are eight learning methods for you to work through, including five different games and three different types of flashcard. At the end, there are three example sentences for each word.

Vocabulary Games for

The games and flashcards are currently set to test the following [wait...] words:

Table of Contents

  • Match-the-Pairs Game
  • Memory Game
  • Basic Flash Cards
  • Spell-the-Word Game
  • Multi-Choice Test
  • Learn with Hangman!
  • "Sentence" Flash Cards
  • "Missing Word" Flash Cards
  • Example Sentences
learn English words verbs

Match-the-Pairs Game

Sets: getting ready...

Clicks: 0

  • Your mission is to match each picture with the correct word in as few a clicks as possible.
  • There are three pictures in each set, and there are sets to complete.
  • Click on your first square to start. Good luck!
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Memory Game

Pairs: getting ready...

Clicks: 0

getting ready...
  • Your mission is to pair pictures with their correct titles in as few a clicks as possible.
  • Click on a card to turn it. Next, try to find its partner by clicking on a second card. (If you fail to find a match with your second click, both cards will turn again.)
  • This is a memory game as well as a vocabulary-learning game.
  • Click on your first card to start. Good luck!
Ranking (Clicks)

Guru ()
Hero ()
Captain ()
Sergeant ()
Recruit ()

Basic Flash Cards

Spell-the-Word Game

Spell the word represented by the picture.

Learn with Hangman!

Hangman is a classic word game. In this version, the hidden word is one of the words from the "verbs" category. Choose your first letter to start.
  • Guess the hidden word by choosing one letter at a time.
  • If you guess a letter in the hidden word, then all is good.
  • If you guess a letter that is not in the hidden word, then the hangman starts to build the gallows.
  • If the gallows are completed, you lose.
  • Good luck!
full page

Create Your Own Version of This Game

Here is the word library for this game:

"Sentence" Flash Cards

Click on the box to see the word in a sentence.

"Missing Word" Flash Cards

Click on the box to see the missing word in a sentence.

Example Sentences

Here are 3 sentences for each of the following words from the "verbs" category:
  • eat, drink, go, make, take, come, see, know, get, think
    eat vocabulary list


  • To eat means to consume food.
  • She likes to eat fresh fruit.
  • He eats dinner at 7 PM.
    drink vocabulary list


  • To drink means to consume liquid.
  • He likes to drink coffee in the morning.
  • She drank a glass of water.
    go vocabulary list


  • To go means to move from one place to another.
  • She will go to the store later.
  • He likes to go for a walk.
    make vocabulary list


  • To make means to create or produce something.
  • He likes to make cookies.
  • She made a beautiful painting.
    take vocabulary list


  • To take means to acquire or receive something.
  • She needs to take her medicine.
  • He took the book from the shelf.
    come vocabulary list


  • To come means to move toward a place or person.
  • She asked him to come to the party.
  • He will come home soon.
    see vocabulary list


  • To see means to perceive with the eyes.
  • He likes to see the sunset.
  • She saw a movie last night.
    know vocabulary list


  • To know means to be aware of something.
  • She knows the answer.
  • He wants to know more about science.
    get vocabulary list


  • To get means to receive or obtain something.
  • She got a new phone.
  • He hopes to get good grades.
    think vocabulary list


  • To think means to use the mind to consider something.
  • He likes to think about the future.
  • She thought about her plans.
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This page was written by Craig Shrives.

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Multi-Choice Test