Learn Common Words for Describing Objects in English
Vocabulary Games for
The games and flashcards are currently set to test the following [wait...] words:Table of Contents
- Match-the-Pairs Game
- Memory Game
- Basic Flash Cards
- Spell-the-Word Game
- Multi-Choice Test
- Learn with Hangman!
- "Sentence" Flash Cards
- "Missing Word" Flash Cards
- Example Sentences

Match-the-Pairs Game
Sets: getting ready...
Clicks: 0
- Your mission is to match each picture with the correct word in as few a clicks as possible.
- There are three pictures in each set, and there are sets to complete.
- Click on your first square to start. Good luck!
Ranking (Clicks)
Guru ()
Hero ()
Captain ()
Sergeant ()
Recruit ()
Guru ()
Hero ()
Captain ()
Sergeant ()
Recruit ()
Memory Game
Pairs: getting ready...
Clicks: 0
getting ready...
- Your mission is to pair pictures with their correct titles in as few a clicks as possible.
- Click on a card to turn it. Next, try to find its partner by clicking on a second card. (If you fail to find a match with your second click, both cards will turn again.)
- This is a memory game as well as a vocabulary-learning game.
- Click on your first card to start. Good luck!
Ranking (Clicks)
Guru ()
Hero ()
Captain ()
Sergeant ()
Recruit ()
Guru ()
Hero ()
Captain ()
Sergeant ()
Recruit ()
Basic Flash Cards
Spell-the-Word Game
Spell the word represented by the picture.Learn with Hangman!
Hangman is a classic word game. In this version, the hidden word is one of the words from the "adjectives things" category. Choose your first letter to start.- Guess the hidden word by choosing one letter at a time.
- If you guess a letter in the hidden word, then all is good.
- If you guess a letter that is not in the hidden word, then the hangman starts to build the gallows.
- If the gallows are completed, you lose.
- Good luck!

Create Your Own Version of This Game
Here is the word library for this game:
"Sentence" Flash Cards
Click on the box to see the word in a sentence."Missing Word" Flash Cards
Click on the box to see the missing word in a sentence.Example Sentences
Here are 3 sentences for each of the following words from the "adjectives things" category:- new, beautiful, heavy, light, big, small, long, short, hard, soft, rough, smooth
- I always get new socks for Christmas.
- She bought a new car.
- Jack has a new black dog.

- She has a beautiful bag.
- George gave me a beautiful rose.
- Sarah and her mother have beautiful teeth.

- Martin takes many heavy books to school.
- The elephant is a heavy animal.
- My sister helped me move the heavy table to my new house.

- I wear a light jacket in the spring.
- There will be light rain at half past 4.
- The box is light, so I can carry it easily.

- My dog is very big and loves to play.
- We live in a big house with a beautiful garden.
- There is a big forest near the beach.

- Small sparrows sing outside my window every morning.
- That chair is too small for my father.
- Can your mother repair this small hole in my trousers?

- My grandmother had long, blonde hair when she was young.
- We usually take a long walk in the park on Sundays.
- The wait for the next train is very long.

- Should we watch a short movie together?
- It is only a short walk to school.
- My sister has a short red dress for the party.

- The homework is very hard, and I need help from the teacher.
- My father works hard every day.
- The chair is hard, so I put a cushion on it.

- My dog’s fur is very soft.
- The blanket is soft, and it keeps me warm.
- She usually wears soft sweaters in winter.

- My father’s hands are rough from working hard.
- The rough stone feels hard when I walk on it.
- The old leather jacket was quite rough but still nice.

- My sister's hair is smooth after she brushes it.
- The ice is smooth and good for ice skating.
- My father likes to drive fast on smooth roads.

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