
What Is a Logosglyph?

A logosglyph is a word that looks like what it means.

Table of Contents

  • Easy Examples of Logosglyphs
  • More Examples of Logosglyphs
  • Why Logosglyphs Are Important
logosglyph examples
When used to describe eyes, "pools" is a logosglyph.

The word logosglyph literally means "word carving." It is a compound noun derived from the Greek words for word (logos) and carving (glyphe).

Logosglyphs are a form of figurative language, which covers unusual or imaginative word constructions. Logosglyphs contrast with onomatopoeic words, which sound like what they represent. Logosglyphs look like what they represent.

Easy Examples of Logosglyphs

  • The word bed looks like a bed.
  • The word eye looks like a pair of eyes and a nose.
  • The Hungarian word ollo means scissors and looks like a pair of scissors.

More Examples of Logosglyphs

  • A geek with come-to-bed eyes.
  • (In this example, the word geek is a logosglyph too, given it is about eyes.)
  • She had eyes like pools.
  • (In this example, the word pools is also a logosglyph because the oo portrays large, round, pool-like eyes.)
  • Tall legs like stilts.
  • (In this example, all the words can be classified as logosglyphs as their letters (particularly the Ls) give a sense of height.)

Why Logosglyphs Are Important

Logosglyphs are typically used in poetry to bring an idea to life by appealing directly to the sense of sight. You might also encounter the odd one in a company logo. They are rare, but bear them in mind for the following two reasons.

(Reason 1) Grab a few more points in an English literature exam.

If an author or poet you're studying has used a logosglyph, be sure to mention it to snatch a few easy extra points.
  • Host of golden daffodils.
  • (This is an extract from "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" by William Wordsworth. The Os bring the round head of daffodils to mind.)

(Reason 2) Showcase your poetry skills by including a logosglyph.

If your logosglyph is a good likeness for your idea and well-placed in your poem, your readers will spot it and enjoy it.

Key Points

author logo

This page was written by Craig Shrives.