Teach or Learn?

What Is the Difference between "Teach" and "Learn"?

"Teach" and "learn" are easy to confuse, especially for students who are new to English.
  • "To teach" means to give knowledge or a skill.
    • My brother will teach me how to speak Spanish. correct tick
    • (My brother will give the knowledge.)
  • "To learn" means to receive knowledge or a skill.
    • My brother will learn how to speak Spanish from YouTube. correct tick
    • (My brother will receive the knowledge.)
teach or learn?

More about "Teach" and "Learn"

Among English learners, there is sometimes confusion over the words "teach" and "learn."


"To teach" is a verb meaning to instruct, train, or pass on knowledge.

Let's look at all five forms of the verb "to teach":
No.Verb FormExample
1Base Formteach
2The -S Form
(also called the Third Person Singular Present Tense Form)
3Past Formtaught
4The -ING Form
(also called the Present Participle Form)
5The Past Participle Formtaught

Example Sentences with "Teach"

Here are some easy and real-life example sentences with "teach":
  • I will teach you English.
  • She teaches people how to ride a horse.
Here are two real-life examples:
  • Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. correct tick
  • You have to grow from the inside out. Nobody can teach you. correct tick


"To learn" is a verb that means to gain knowledge or skill in something by study, experience, or being taught.

Let's look at all five forms of the verb "to learn":
No.Verb FormExample
1Base Formlearn
2The -S Form
(also called the Third Person Singular Present Tense Form)
3Past Formlearned
(or learnt small British flag)
4The -ING Form
(also called the Present Participle Form)
5The Past Participle Formlearned
(or learnt small British flag)
Read more about the past forms "learned" and "learnt."

Example Sentences with "Learn"

Here are some easy and real-life example sentences with "learn":
  • We will learn how to ride a horse.
  • You are learning English.
Here are two real-life examples:
  • A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer. correct tick
  • It's very important to surround yourself with people you can learn from. correct tick
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This page was written by Craig Shrives.