What Is the Difference between "Moral" and "Morale"?
Let's start with the meaning of "morale":
- Morale. "Morale" means mental state, emotional state, spirit, or attitude. For example:
- Cancelling the event would undermine staff morale.
- (1) Moral. "Moral" is the lesson learned from a story. For example:
- The moral of this story is don't judge others.
- (2) Morals. "Morals" are the standards someone adopts to determine right from wrong. For example:
- I can't agree to your proposal. I have strong morals.
- (3) Moral. "Moral" is an adjective meaning ethical or virtuous. For example:
- His decision was based on a moral judgement not profitability.
More about "Morale" and "Moral"
The words "morale" and "moral" look and sound similar, but their meanings are quite different.With the stress on the second syllable, "morale" rhymes with "corral." ("Corral" means "to round up" as in "to corral the sheep"). With the stress on the first syllable, "moral" rhymes with "coral" (as in "coral reef").
Click to hear how "morale," "moral," and "morals" are pronounced:
"morale, moral, morals"
More about "Morale"
As a noun, "morale" means "mental or emotional state." It often refers to someone's spirit or attitude. For example:- Your morale seems low. Are you okay?
- I don't think we're going to solve our morale issue with a few sandwiches.
- Studies have shown that employees' morale is directly related to their productivity.
- Low morale will increase work errors, increase sick days, and decrease cooperation between departments.
More about "Moral"
As a noun, a "moral" is the lesson learned from a story (e.g., the moral of the story is don't drink and drive). Here is another example:- Everything has got a moral if you can only find it. (Author Lewis Carroll) ("moral" = a lesson we can learn from)
- If your morals make you dreary, they are wrong. (Author Robert Louis Stevenson) ("morals" = standards to determine right from wrong)
- No moral system can rest solely on authority. (Philosopher A. J. Ayer) ("moral" = ethical)
Common Terms with "Morale" and "Moral"
Here are some common terms with "morale" and "moral":Morale
- morale booster
- low morale
- morale patches
- team morale
- moral argument
- moral belief
- moral standard
- moral argument
- moral compass
- moral code
- moral dilemma
- moral fiber
- moral high ground
- moral justice
- moral integrity
- moral judgement
- moral obligation
- moral quandary
- moral rights
- moral support
- moral values
- moral victory
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