"sub poena" (Latin)

What does the Latin term sub poena mean?

homesitemapA-Z Latin terms sub poena
The Latin phrase "sub poena" translates to "under penalty" in English. It is commonly used in legal contexts to indicate that certain actions or obligations are required under the threat of penalty or consequence. "Sub poena" signifies that non-compliance or failure to fulfill the specified requirements may result in legal repercussions.

Examples in Sentences

Here are three example sentences showcasing the usage of "sub poena":
  • The witness was summoned to appear in court "sub poena," meaning they were legally obligated to attend or face penalties for non-compliance.
  • Documents requested by the court were to be produced "sub poena," indicating that failure to provide the requested information could lead to legal consequences.
  • The company was compelled to submit its financial records "sub poena," as part of an ongoing investigation, with the understanding that non-compliance could result in severe penalties.
In these examples, the Latin term "sub poena" emphasizes the legal requirement and the potential consequences for non-compliance. It conveys the notion that certain actions or obligations are mandated and must be fulfilled under the threat of penalties or legal action.
sub poena (meaning)

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This page was written by Craig Shrives.

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