"persona non grata" (Latin)

What does the Latin term persona non grata mean?

The Latin term "persona non grata" translates to "person not welcome" or "unwelcome person" in English. It is a diplomatic term used to describe an individual who is unacceptable or unwelcome in a particular country or diplomatic context. When someone is declared "persona non grata," it means that they are considered undesirable and may be asked to leave the country or their diplomatic privileges may be revoked.

Examples in Sentences

Here are three example sentences using "persona non grata":
  • After engaging in espionage activities, the foreign agent was declared persona non grata and was expelled from the country.
  • The ambassador's controversial statements led to her being declared persona non grata by the host nation, resulting in strained diplomatic relations.
  • The political activist's involvement in anti-government protests resulted in him being labeled persona non grata and facing travel restrictions.
In these sentences, the Latin term "persona non grata" signifies the diplomatic status of an individual who is deemed unwelcome or undesirable due to their actions, beliefs, or behavior. It is a formal declaration indicating the person's lack of acceptance or rejection within a diplomatic or political context.
persona non grata (meaning)

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This page was written by Craig Shrives.