"pax romana" (Latin)

What does the Latin term pax romana mean?

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The term "pax romana" refers to the "Roman peace" in Latin. It denotes the relatively peaceful and stable period in ancient Roman history, particularly during the first and second centuries AD. It is characterized by the absence of major conflicts or wars within the vast Roman Empire, allowing for social, cultural, and economic development.

Examples in Sentences

Here are three example sentences using "pax romana":
  • The establishment of the Roman Empire brought about a period of pax romana, fostering trade, infrastructure development, and intellectual growth.
  • During the era of pax romana, Roman law and governance systems provided stability and security, contributing to the empire's longevity.
  • The concept of pax romana aimed to unify and control diverse regions under Roman rule, ensuring peace and order throughout the empire.
In these sentences, the Latin term "pax romana" signifies the era of peace and stability within the Roman Empire. It highlights the relative absence of major conflicts and the conducive environment for progress and prosperity that characterized this historical period.
pax romana (meaning)

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This page was written by Craig Shrives.

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