"o tempora! o mores!" (Latin)

What does the Latin term o tempora! o mores! mean?

homesitemapA-Z Latin terms o tempora! o mores!
"O tempora! O mores!" is a Latin phrase famously uttered by the Roman orator Cicero. It translates to "Oh, the times! Oh, the customs!" in English. The expression conveys a sense of exasperation, disappointment, or despair about the current state of affairs, particularly in relation to societal values and moral standards.

Examples in Sentences

Here are three example sentences:
  • O tempora! O mores! With the rise of social media, the erosion of privacy and the spread of fake news have become alarming trends.
  • In a world filled with corruption and ethical compromises, one cannot help but exclaim O tempora! O mores! at the decline of moral integrity.
  • The blatant disregard for honesty and integrity in politics has led many to lament, O tempora! O mores!, questioning the current state of democratic governance.
o tempora! o mores! (meaning)

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