"modus operandi (m.o.)" (Latin)

What does the Latin term modus operandi (m.o.) mean?

homesitemapA-Z Latin terms modus operandi (m.o.)
"Modus operandi," often abbreviated as "m.o.," is a Latin phrase that translates to "method of operating" or "mode of operation." It refers to the characteristic or habitual way in which someone or something operates, particularly in the context of criminal behavior or investigative analysis. "Modus operandi" is commonly used in law enforcement, criminology, and intelligence work to describe the patterns, techniques, or strategies employed by individuals or organizations when carrying out specific actions or crimes. It provides insights into the behavior, motivations, and tactics used by individuals, aiding in the identification and understanding of their activities.

Examples in Sentences

Here are three example sentences demonstrating the usage of "modus operandi" or "m.o.":
  • The detective recognized the suspect's modus operandi in the latest burglary case, indicating the likelihood of their involvement.
  • The intelligence agency analyzed the terrorist group's m.o. to anticipate their next target and prevent potential attacks.
  • The forensic profiler studied the serial killer's modus operandi to create a psychological profile and assist in their capture.
modus operandi (m.o.) (meaning)

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This page was written by Craig Shrives.

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