"locus standi" (Latin)

What does the Latin term locus standi mean?

homesitemapA-Z Latin terms locus standi
"Locus standi" is a Latin term commonly used in legal contexts, particularly in the field of constitutional and administrative law. It refers to the legal standing or right to bring a case or appear before a court or tribunal. "Locus standi" determines whether a person or entity has a sufficient interest or stake in a matter to participate in the legal proceedings. It ensures that only those directly affected or with a legitimate interest in the case can bring it before the court, thereby maintaining the integrity and efficiency of the judicial system.

Examples in Sentences

Here are three example sentences demonstrating the usage of "locus standi":
  • The court dismissed the petition due to lack of locus standi as the petitioner failed to demonstrate a direct and personal interest in the matter.
  • The environmental organization was granted locus standi to challenge the construction project based on its mission to protect natural resources.
  • The court upheld the petitioner's locus standi as a resident of the neighborhood affected by the zoning decision, allowing them to challenge its legality.
locus standi (meaning)

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