"locus classicus (loc. cit.)" (Latin)

What does the Latin term locus classicus (loc. cit.) mean?

homesitemapA-Z Latin terms locus classicus (loc. cit.)
"Locus classicus," often abbreviated as "loc. cit.," is a Latin term used in academic writing and citation styles, particularly in the field of classical studies and literature. It refers to a classic or authoritative passage or work that is frequently cited or referenced as a standard or exemplary source of information on a particular topic. When "locus classicus" is mentioned in a citation or reference, it indicates that the cited source is a well-known and widely recognized text that serves as a primary or key reference point for the topic being discussed. The abbreviation "loc. cit." is used to refer back to a previously cited source.

Examples in Sentences

Here are three example sentences demonstrating the usage of "locus classicus" and "loc. cit.":
  • According to the "locus classicus" in Aristotle's "Poetics," tragedy involves the imitation of an action that evokes pity and fear in the audience.
  • Smith's analysis of ancient Roman law in his book serves as a "locus classicus" on the subject, providing comprehensive insights into the legal system of that era.
  • In his article, Johnson refers to the "loc. cit." to provide further support for his argument, reinforcing the ideas previously cited from that source.
locus classicus (loc. cit.) (meaning)

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