"ipso facto" (Latin)

What does the Latin term ipso facto mean?

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"Ipso facto" is a Latin phrase that translates to "by the fact itself" or "by the very fact." It is used to indicate that a consequence or outcome is a direct result of a particular action or circumstance. The phrase implies that the conclusion or effect is self-evident or automatically follows from the stated condition. "Ipso facto" is often employed to highlight a cause-and-effect relationship or to emphasize the inherent nature of a situation. It suggests that no further proof or explanation is needed because the conclusion logically follows from the premise.

Examples in Sentences

Here are three example sentences demonstrating the usage of "ipso facto":
  • By refusing to comply with the terms of the contract, the company was ipso facto in breach of the agreement.
  • When the defendant was found guilty of theft, his possession of the stolen goods became ipso facto evidence of his involvement in the crime.
  • By being the highest-scoring team in the tournament, they were ipso facto the winners of the championship.
ipso facto (meaning)

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