"in statu quo" (Latin)

What does the Latin term in statu quo mean?

homesitemapA-Z Latin terms in statu quo
"In statu quo" is a Latin phrase that translates to "in the state in which it was" or "in the existing state of affairs." It refers to maintaining or preserving the current or original condition or situation. The phrase is often used in legal, diplomatic, or political contexts to describe a desire to keep things as they are without any changes or alterations. "In statu quo" can be invoked when parties wish to maintain the status quo temporarily until further decisions or negotiations take place. It can also refer to restoring a situation to its original state or reverting to a previous condition.

Examples in Sentences

Here are three example sentences demonstrating the usage of "in statu quo":
  • The court issued an order to maintain the property in statu quo until a final decision on the ownership dispute is reached.
  • The diplomats agreed to a temporary ceasefire to preserve the in statu quo while negotiations were underway.
  • The committee decided to keep the current regulations in statu quo until a comprehensive review and evaluation could be conducted.
in statu quo (meaning)

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