Free English Grammar Lessons and Tests
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Are you training for your black belt in grammar? Are you teaching new learners? Here are 10 sample lessons at different levels of requirement. Remember that these are just samples. We have thousands of free lessons, tests, and videos.
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Thank you. Right, let's do some grammar...
Craig Shrives
Advanced Learners or Teachers
- Glossaries for Advanced Learners
- Popular Lessons for Advanced Learners
Beginners or Kids
- Vocabulary Lessons for Beginners or Kids
- Spelling Lessons for Beginners or Kids
- Grammar Lessons for Beginners or Kids
Games, Tests, and More
- List of Tests and Games
- Miscellaneous Lists
- Advanced Level Test
Glossaries for Advanced Learners
Grammar Terms
Confused Words
Common Writing
Punctuation Lessons
Unusual Plurals
Common Idioms
by writers
Grammar Tests and Games
Popular Lessons for Advanced Learners
Word Lists
adjectives top 30
adverbs top 3
conjunctions top 10
interjections top 50
nouns top 10
prepositions top 10
irregular verbs top 10
regular verbs 100
most common verbs
Vocabulary Lessons for Beginners or Kids
and e-flashcards multi-choice
vocabulary tests 1500+
important words role-play
Spelling Lessons for Beginners or Kids
spelling rules how to improve
your spelling top 20
misspellings stress placement
in English words
Grammar Lessons for Beginners or Kids
for kids adverbs
for kids prepositions
for kids pronouns
for kids conjunctions
for kids
List of Tests and Games
(multi-discipline) memory test
(with grammar angle) Tetris test
(confused words)
Miscellaneous Lists
Irregular Verbs
Tattoo Fails
Collective Nouns for Animals
Library of
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teachers' zone
timed grammar test Word Builder (Create lots of words.) WordUp (Build a ladder of words.) Wordle (Find today's secret word.) Hangman (Find the secret word.) Countdown (Find the longest word.) Look-cover-write-check (Learn words.) Tetris (easily confused words) confidence game (easily confused words)lists
common grammar errors spelling and vocabulary lessons easily confused words common misspellings FAQs by writersread:
mnemonic devices (remembering techniques) how to improve spelling