English Vocabulary for Space

Learn Space Vocabulary in English

This is a lesson to help you learn common relating to space in English. There are eight learning methods for you to work through, including five different games and three different types of flashcard. At the end, there are three example sentences for each word.

Vocabulary Games for

The games and flashcards are currently set to test the following [wait...] words:

Table of Contents

  • Match-the-Pairs Game
  • Memory Game
  • Basic Flash Cards
  • Spell-the-Word Game
  • Multi-Choice Test
  • Learn with Hangman!
  • "Sentence" Flash Cards
  • "Missing Word" Flash Cards
  • Example Sentences

Match-the-Pairs Game

Sets: getting ready...

Clicks: 0

  • Your mission is to match each picture with the correct word in as few a clicks as possible.
  • There are three pictures in each set, and there are sets to complete.
  • Click on your first square to start. Good luck!
Ranking (Clicks)

Guru ()
Hero ()
Captain ()
Sergeant ()
Recruit ()

Memory Game

Pairs: getting ready...

Clicks: 0

getting ready...
  • Your mission is to pair pictures with their correct titles in as few a clicks as possible.
  • Click on a card to turn it. Next, try to find its partner by clicking on a second card. (If you fail to find a match with your second click, both cards will turn again.)
  • This is a memory game as well as a vocabulary-learning game.
  • Click on your first card to start. Good luck!
Ranking (Clicks)

Guru ()
Hero ()
Captain ()
Sergeant ()
Recruit ()

Basic Flash Cards

Spell-the-Word Game

Spell the word represented by the picture.

Learn with Hangman!

Hangman is a classic word game. In this version, the hidden word is one of the words from the "space" category. Choose your first letter to start.
  • Guess the hidden word by choosing one letter at a time.
  • If you guess a letter in the hidden word, then all is good.
  • If you guess a letter that is not in the hidden word, then the hangman starts to build the gallows.
  • If the gallows are completed, you lose.
  • Good luck!
full page

Create Your Own Version of This Game

Here is the word library for this game:

"Sentence" Flash Cards

Click on the box to see the word in a sentence.

"Missing Word" Flash Cards

Click on the box to see the missing word in a sentence.

Example Sentences

Here are 3 sentences for each of the following words from the "space" category:
  • Uranus, Venus, astronaut, Earth, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, meteor, moon, Neptune, Pluto, rocket, satellite, Saturn, shooting star, star, sun


  • Uranus is a planet in our solar system, known for its distinct bluish-green color.
  • It takes about 84 Earth years for Uranus to complete one orbit around the sun.
  • Uranus is a gas giant, and it's the seventh planet from the sun.


  • Venus is the second planet from the sun and is often called Earth's "sister planet" due to its similar size.
  • On Venus, the surface temperature is extremely hot, making it the hottest planet in our solar system.
  • Observing the evening or morning Venus in the sky is a common stargazing experience.


  • An astronaut is a trained space traveler who journeys into space, conducts experiments, and explores celestial bodies.
  • Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were famous astronauts who walked on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission.
  • Becoming an astronaut requires rigorous training and a passion for space exploration.


  • Earth is our home planet, the third one from the sun, and the only known celestial body to support life.
  • It has a diverse environment with land, water, and an atmosphere that provides the oxygen we breathe.
  • Protecting Earth's environment is vital to ensure a sustainable future for all living creatures.


  • Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, known for its massive size and swirling bands of clouds.
  • It has a strong magnetic field and numerous moons, including the four largest called the Galilean moons.
  • Jupiter is a gas giant, primarily composed of hydrogen and helium.


  • Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and is often referred to as the "Red Planet" due to its reddish appearance.
  • Exploring the possibility of life on Mars is a topic of great interest for scientists and space agencies.
  • Mars has distinct features like Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the solar system.


  • Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and experiences extreme temperature variations between its scorching day and frigid night.
  • It has a thin atmosphere and is primarily composed of rocky terrain.
  • Exploring Mercury with spacecraft has provided valuable insights into our solar system's innermost planet.


  • A meteor is a small celestial object, often called a "shooting star," that burns up upon entering Earth's atmosphere, creating a bright streak of light.
  • During meteor showers, numerous meteors can be seen streaking across the night sky.
  • Meteors are remnants of comets or asteroids and can vary in size from tiny grains to larger rocks.


  • The moon is Earth's natural satellite, and it plays a crucial role in controlling tides and providing a source of inspiration for humans throughout history.
  • People have landed on the moon during the Apollo missions, marking significant milestones in space exploration.
  • The moon has different phases, including the full moon, crescent moon, and quarter moon, as it orbits Earth.


  • Neptune is the eighth and farthest planet from the sun in our solar system, known for its deep blue color.
  • It's a gas giant with a turbulent atmosphere and strong winds.
  • Neptune has a series of rings and a collection of fascinating moons.


  • Pluto is a dwarf planet located in the Kuiper Belt, a region beyond Neptune in our solar system.
  • Although Pluto was once considered the ninth planet, it was reclassified as a dwarf planet in 2006.
  • Exploring the distant Pluto with the New Horizons spacecraft provided valuable data about this icy world.


  • A rocket is a vehicle designed for space travel, typically powered by engines that expel gases to generate thrust.
  • Rockets are used to launch satellites, spacecraft, and astronauts into space.
  • The development of advanced rocket technology has played a crucial role in space exploration.


  • A satellite is an artificial object placed in orbit around a celestial body, such as a planet or the Earth.
  • Satellites serve various purposes, including communication, navigation, weather monitoring, and scientific research.
  • Many people use satellite technology daily, such as for GPS navigation and satellite TV.


  • Saturn is another gas giant planet in our solar system, known for its stunning ring system made up of icy particles and rock.
  • It has a unique and captivating appearance when observed through telescopes.
  • Exploring the mysteries of Saturn and its rings has been a focus of space missions like Cassini-Huygens.
shooting star

shooting star

  • A shooting star, also known as a meteor, is a streak of light produced when a meteoroid enters Earth's atmosphere and burns up due to friction.
  • People often make wishes upon seeing a shooting star during meteor showers.
  • Observing a shooting star can be a magical and fleeting moment in the night sky.


  • A star is a luminous celestial object composed mainly of hydrogen and helium that emits light and heat due to nuclear fusion.
  • The stars in the night sky create beautiful constellations and have fascinated humans for centuries.
  • Our sun is also a star, providing the energy needed for life on Earth.


  • The sun is the central star of our solar system, providing the energy and light necessary for life on Earth.
  • It is a massive ball of hot, glowing gas, primarily composed of hydrogen and helium.
  • Sun is a source of warmth and sustenance for our planet and all living creatures.
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This page was written by Craig Shrives.