English Vocabulary for Treatments

Learn Medical Treatments in English

This is a lesson to help you learn the English words for treatments for illness. There are eight learning methods for you to work through, including five different games and three different types of flashcard. At the end, there are three example sentences for each word.

Vocabulary Games for

The games and flashcards are currently set to test the following [wait...] words:

Table of Contents

  • Match-the-Pairs Game
  • Memory Game
  • Basic Flash Cards
  • Spell-the-Word Game
  • Multi-Choice Test
  • Learn with Hangman!
  • "Sentence" Flash Cards
  • "Missing Word" Flash Cards
  • Example Sentences

Match-the-Pairs Game

Sets: getting ready...

Clicks: 0

  • Your mission is to match each picture with the correct word in as few a clicks as possible.
  • There are three pictures in each set, and there are sets to complete.
  • Click on your first square to start. Good luck!
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Memory Game

Pairs: getting ready...

Clicks: 0

getting ready...
  • Your mission is to pair pictures with their correct titles in as few a clicks as possible.
  • Click on a card to turn it. Next, try to find its partner by clicking on a second card. (If you fail to find a match with your second click, both cards will turn again.)
  • This is a memory game as well as a vocabulary-learning game.
  • Click on your first card to start. Good luck!
Ranking (Clicks)

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Captain ()
Sergeant ()
Recruit ()

Basic Flash Cards

Spell-the-Word Game

Spell the word represented by the picture.

Learn with Hangman!

Hangman is a classic word game. In this version, the hidden word is one of the words from the "technology" category. Choose your first letter to start.
  • Guess the hidden word by choosing one letter at a time.
  • If you guess a letter in the hidden word, then all is good.
  • If you guess a letter that is not in the hidden word, then the hangman starts to build the gallows.
  • If the gallows are completed, you lose.
  • Good luck!
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Create Your Own Version of This Game

Here is the word library for this game:

"Sentence" Flash Cards

Click on the box to see the word in a sentence.

"Missing Word" Flash Cards

Click on the box to see the missing word in a sentence.

Example Sentences

Here are 3 sentences for each of the following words from the "technology" category:
  • band aid, bed rest, blood test, cast, crutches, diet, doctor, exercise, eye drops, hospital, inhaler, injection, medicine, nurse, pills, surgery, wheelchair, X-ray
band aid

band aid

  • A band-aid is a small adhesive strip with a sterile pad used to cover and protect minor cuts and wounds.
  • Parents often keep band-aids handy to comfort children when they get small injuries like scraped knees.
  • Applying a band-aid helps keep a wound clean and promotes the healing process.
bed rest

bed rest

  • Bed rest is a medical recommendation that involves staying in bed for a specific period to recover from an illness or injury.
  • Doctors may prescribe bed rest to patients to give their bodies time to heal and regain strength.
  • During bed rest, patients should follow their doctor's instructions and avoid strenuous activities.
blood test

blood test

  • A blood test is a medical procedure in which a small sample of a person's blood is taken and analyzed to assess their health.
  • Blood tests can provide valuable information about a person's blood cell count, cholesterol levels, and more.
  • Doctors use blood tests to diagnose various medical conditions and monitor the progress of treatments.


  • A cast is a rigid, protective covering made of plaster or fiberglass that is placed on a broken or injured limb.
  • Casts immobilize the affected area, allowing bones and tissues to heal properly.
  • Children often have colorful casts that friends and family can sign or decorate.


  • Crutches are assistive devices used by individuals with leg injuries or mobility issues to help them walk or move around.
  • People who use crutches place them under their arms and use their upper body strength for support.
  • Physical therapy may be recommended to individuals who use crutches to aid in their recovery.


  • A diet refers to the types of foods a person regularly consumes to meet their nutritional needs.
  • Following a balanced and healthy diet can contribute to overall well-being and prevent health issues.
  • Some people may choose a specific diet plan, such as a vegetarian diet or a low-carb diet, based on their dietary preferences or health goals.


  • A doctor is a medical professional who diagnoses and treats illnesses, injuries, and health conditions.
  • Patients visit doctors for regular check-ups, medical advice, and treatment recommendations.
  • Doctors play a crucial role in maintaining and improving people's health.


  • Exercise involves physical activity that promotes fitness, strength, and overall well-being.
  • Regular exercise can help individuals stay healthy, reduce stress, and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Common forms of exercise include jogging, swimming, cycling, and yoga.
eye drops

eye drops

  • Eye drops are medicated solutions that can be applied directly to the eyes to relieve dryness, allergies, or eye infections.
  • Individuals with red or irritated eyes often use eye drops to soothe discomfort and reduce inflammation.
  • It's important to follow the instructions provided with eye drops for safe and effective use.


  • A hospital is a medical facility equipped to provide a wide range of healthcare services, including surgery, emergency care, and medical treatment.
  • Doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals work in hospitals to care for patients and promote their recovery.
  • Patients may stay in a hospital for various reasons, from routine procedures to more serious medical conditions.


  • An inhaler is a medical device used by individuals with respiratory conditions to deliver medication directly to the lungs.
  • People with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often rely on inhalers to manage their symptoms and improve breathing.
  • Using an inhaler as prescribed by a healthcare provider can help control respiratory issues.


  • An injection is a medical procedure in which medication is introduced into the body using a needle and syringe.
  • Injections can be administered in various ways, including intramuscular (into the muscle) or subcutaneous (under the skin).
  • Doctors and nurses are trained to give injections safely and effectively.


  • Medicine refers to substances or drugs used to treat, manage, or prevent medical conditions and illnesses.
  • Patients should take prescribed medicines as directed by their healthcare providers to achieve the desired health outcomes.
  • Pharmacists play a crucial role in dispensing and providing information about various medicines.


  • A nurse is a healthcare professional trained to provide medical care, administer treatments, and offer support to patients.
  • Nurses work in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes.
  • They play a vital role in patient care and are often known for their compassion and dedication.


  • Pills are solid forms of medication that are typically taken orally with water.
  • Many people find it convenient to take pills to treat a wide range of health conditions.
  • Prescription and over-the-counter pills come in various sizes, shapes, and colors.


  • Surgery is a medical procedure that involves making incisions in the body to diagnose, treat, or repair a medical condition.
  • Surgeons are highly trained medical professionals who perform various types of surgery to improve patients' health.
  • Common surgical procedures include appendectomies, cataract removal, and joint replacements.


  • A wheelchair is a mobility device with wheels that is used by individuals who have difficulty walking or standing independently.
  • Wheelchairs provide mobility and independence to people with disabilities or temporary injuries.
  • There are manual wheelchairs propelled by the user and electric wheelchairs powered by batteries.


  • An X-ray is a medical imaging technique that uses electromagnetic radiation to create detailed images of the inside of the body.
  • Doctors use X-rays to diagnose fractures, infections, and other internal medical conditions.
  • Patients may need to undergo X-ray examinations to assist in their medical diagnosis and treatment.
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This page was written by Craig Shrives.