What Is the Origin of the Saying "Until the Cows Come home"?
Examples of Use:
- I'm going to be working on this project until the cows come home.
- You can keep guessing until the cows come home. I'm not going to tell you.
- The taxis are all booked. I'm afraid we'll be here until the cows come home.
- I am tied by the foote till the Cow come home.
- "Kiss till the cow come home." (From "The Scornful Lady")
- Good morrow! Drink till the cow come home, 'tis all paid boys. (From "The Captain")
- Miss Notable. I suppose, my lord, you lay longest abed today?
Lord Smart. Miss, if I had said so, I should have told a fib; I warrant you lay abed till the cows came home: but, miss, shall I cut you a little crust, now my hand is in?
Miss Notable. If you please, my lord, a bit of undercrust.
Competing Theory
If a cow escapes, it will not return home, like a horse or a dog. Therefore, "until the cows come home" is an indefinitely long time. It effectively means never.Previous and Next Sayings
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