Plural of Person

The Quick Answer

The most common plural of "person" is "people." It is possible to use the plural "persons" in certain situations.

The Plural of Person

The most common plural of "person" is "people."
  • If you have only one smile in you give it to the people you love. correct tick
  • Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen. correct tick
The plural "persons" can be used in a limited number of situations. It usually reserved for legal and very formal texts (like newspapers) and unless it is used in this way, it is widely regarded as a mistake.
  • Persons of interest are being questioned following the disappearance of a pregnant woman from Little Village three weeks ago. correct tick
  • You must act with other regulated persons in a manner consistent with persons having mutual trust and confidence in each other. correct tick
Below is a table for the standard rules for forming the plurals of nouns in English.

Table of Contents

  • Are You Good at Plurals?
  • The Standard Rules for Forming the Plurals
  • Why Is There Confusion over the Plural of Person?
  • Ready for the Test?
plural of person

Are You Good at Plurals?

Here's a quick test.
Getting ready...

The Standard Rules for Forming the Plurals

The table below shows the standard rules for forming the plurals of nouns in English.
Type Example of Type Forming the Plural Plural
Most Nouns person
add s persons
Noun Ending s, sh, ch, x or z bus
add es buses
Nouns ending [consonant] o potato
add either s or es
(There are no rules for this - you have to know.)
Nouns ending [vowel] o patio
add s patios
Nouns ending [consonant] y story
change the y to an i and add es stories
Nouns ending [vowel] y storey (small British flag)
add s storeys
Nouns ending f or fe dwarf
ves and/or s
(There are no rules - you have to know.)
Exceptions person
some nouns undergo a vowel or letters change people
More exceptions salmon
some nouns do not change at all salmon
Read more about English spelling rules.

Why Is There Confusion over the Plural of Person?

There is confusion because "person" typically has an irregular way of forming its plural. It's possible to write "persons," but this is only acceptable when written as part of a law or a ruling. For example:
  • "Persons" of interest
  • Missing "persons"
There is no such word as "peoples." People denotes an unspecified number of more than one person.


Don't Use an Apostrophe to Form a Plural

Adding 's is never an option when forming the plural of a noun. Despite this simple rule, inexperienced writers often feel compelled to add an apostrophe, especially when the noun ends with a vowel (e.g., piano, tomato, emu). For example:
  • Mango's are low in calories. wrong cross
  • Mangoes are low in calories. correct tick
Read more about apostrophes and plurals.
Read more about using apostrophes.
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This page was written by Craig Shrives.