Prepositions for Kids

What Are Prepositions? (for Kids)

Prepositions are linking words. There are over 100 different prepositions. Here are three common ones:
  • in
  • on
  • at

Let's Use Some Prepositions!

Let's start this lesson by using some prepositions. Select the best preposition to fill the gap.
Notice that these prepositions tell us where things are.

More examples of prepositions telling us where things are:

prepositions tell us where
  • The mouse is under the chair.
  • My apple is on the plate.
  • He is behind bars.
As well as telling us where things are, prepositions can also tell us when things are. Let's do some examples.

Select the best preposition to fill the gap.

More examples of prepositions telling us when things are:

prepositions tell us when
  • Meet me in the morning.
  • Clean your room before dinner.
  • The train will leave at 4 o'clock.
prepositions for kids (tell us where and when)
  • Anna was in Germany in October.
  • ("In" is a preposition. The first "in" tell us where. The second "in" tells us when.)

Prepositions Are Linking Words

preposition means placed before
The word "preposition" means "placed before."

A preposition is placed before a word to show the relationship with a nearby word. So, a preposition links one word to another.

Click on a Preposition

The mouse is above the box.
The preposition "above" is placed before "the box" to show the relationship between "the box" and "the mouse."

Examples of Prepositions

Prepositions are extremely common because we need them to show how words relate to each other. For example:
  • John is near the cow.
  • (Here, the preposition "near" tells us the relationship between "the cow" and "John.")
  • I saw your key by the lamp.
  • (Here, the preposition "by" tells us the relationship between "the lamp" and "your key.")
Here are 30 common prepositions:
  • about, above, after, against, as, at, before, behind, below, beside, between, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, inside, into, of, off, on, over, through, to, under, until, up, with
Here is a list of 130 prepositions.

More about Prepositions

Here is the most important point about prepositions:
  • A preposition shows the relationship between the word it is positioned before and another nearby word.
As you learn more about prepositions, you will soon notice that not all prepositions tell us where or when things are. Prepositions can tell us other things too, like ownership and how. For example:
  • We found the fingerprints of the robber.
  • (Here, the preposition "of" tells us about possession. It is positioned before "the robber" to show the relationship to "the fingerprints.")
  • Tina sang with passion.
  • (In this example, the preposition "with" tells us how. It is positioned before "passion" to show the relationship to "sang.")

Video Lesson

Here is a video lesson on prepositions: video lesson

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This page was written by Craig Shrives.