What Is the Plural of "Yes and No"?
Also, despite what some might tell you, "yes's" and "no's" are also acceptable versions. However, many of your readers might not have accepted this convention yet, so use this version with caution. Read more about using apostrophes for awkward plurals.
The Quick Answer
The best plural of "yes and no" is "yeses and nos."Different Ways to Pluralize "Yes and No"
Here are five different ways to pluralize yes and no ordered from most recommended to least recommended:(1) Yeses and Nos
Justification. "Yeses" is, by far, the most common plural for "yes," and "nos" is, by far, the most common plural of "no."Assessment. This is the most popular version. It is the version we recommend.
(2) YESes and NOs
Justification. If you're writing a title or if the document is relatively informal, then this is a good option because the words "yes" and "no" are easily identifiable.Assessment. This is a popular version. It will not annoy your readers.
(3) Yes's and No's
Justification. Despite what some might tell you, using an apostrophe to show an awkward plural is acceptable. It is a technique condoned by all the leading grammar references. Using an apostrophe is often the simplest and clearest way to show an awkward plural. It is permissible.Assessment. Using an apostrophe for an awkward plural is not a popular convention. This version is likely to annoy some of your readers.
(4) Yesses and Noes
Justification. "Yesses" is growing in popularity, but it is still a long way behind "yeses." It is often preferred over "yeses" because its pronunciation is more obvious than "yeses." Conversely, "noes" (a good fit for pluralizing a word ending "o") was more popular than "nos," but many consider it too unwieldy (it looks like a misspelling of "nose"). Over the last century, "nos" has overtaken "noes" by some margin.Assessment. This version is technically correct, but it employs the two least popular variants. This version is not recommended.
(5) Yes's and Nos
Justification. If you are brave enough to use an apostrophe for your plural, got for it. But, do not mix the conventions.Assessment. This is unacceptable.
- "Yesses," "yeses," and "yes's" are all acceptable plurals. "Yeses" is the most popular. [evidence]
- "Nos," "noes," and "no's" are all acceptable plurals. "Nos" is the most popular. [evidence]
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