What Is the Difference between "Than" and "Then"?
- "Than" is used to introduce a comparison. For example:
- She was smarter than you.
- "Then" relates to time. For example:
- I was fitter then.
- Run to the lake then jump in.
- "Then" means "in that case." For example:
- If you're not happy, then leave.

More about "Than" and "Then"
"Then" and "than" are common words, and your readers will expect you to use the right one.Than
"Than" introduces a comparison. It is most often seen with comparatives and words like "more," "less," and "fewer."- Craig is smarter than Paul.
- Money is better than poverty, if only for financial reasons.
(Actor Woody Allen)
("Better" is a comparative.)
- Russia is even more spacious than Canada.
- I have less space than you, but I also have fewer workers than you.
"Then" usually relates to time. It is most commonly used as an adverb. "Then" has three meanings:(1) Subsequently or afterwards
- Go to the traffic lights, then turn right.
- It went dark, then there was a scream.
- The council members argued for three days then eventually came to a decision.
(2) As a consequence or in that case
- If you had cleaned your teeth properly, then you wouldn't be in this predicament.
- You're certain then?
- If that's how you feel, let it go then.
(3) At that time or that time
- I was much fitter back then.
- She used to holiday in Sri Lanka as it was then known.
- The schedule will be completed before then.
- It was the responsibility of the then team captain to account for the trophies in
the cabinet.
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