Passed or Past?

What Is the Difference between "Passed" and "Past"?

homesitemapA-Z confused words passed or past?
"Passed" and "past" are easy to confuse because they often relate to movement and they sound identical (i.e., they are perfect homonyms). However, their meanings are different.

The Really Quick Answer

  • "Passed" is the past tense of "to pass." For everything else, use "past."

The Confusion between "Past" and "Passed"

The confusion between "past" and "passed" is understandable. Compare these similar sentences:
  • It is past the deadline. correct tick
  • You have passed the deadline. correct tick
  • You are past the point of no return. correct tick
  • You have passed the point of no return. correct tick
  • Move past the finish line. correct tick
  • They passed the finish line. correct tick
  • It is past your bedtime. correct tick
  • You have passed your bedtime. correct tick

Infographic for "Past" and "Past"

Here is a flow diagram to help you choose between "passed" and "past."
passed or past?


The word "passed" is the past tense of the verb "to pass", e.g., "I pass" (present tense), "I passed," and "I have passed" (both past tense), and "I will pass" (future tense).

Example Sentences with "Passed"

  • She passed the exam with distinction. correct tick
  • (Here, "to pass" means = to be successful in a test)
  • The operator has already passed the note to the typist. correct tick
  • (Here, "to pass" = to hand over)
    (In this example, "passed" is a past passive participle.)
  • The lion passed the zebra without so much as a glance. correct tick
  • (Here, "to pass" = to move past)
"To pass" often means "to move past," and this is where the confusion often arises. Of note, "to pass" can also mean "to sail past," "to fly past," "to run past," "to hop past," etc. (in other words, the method of moving is irrelevant). This is worth bearing in mind because if you have used any verb of motion, then it will be partnered with "past" and not "passed." Remember that "passed" is the past tense of the verb "to pass." This is a 100% rule.
  • The lion passed the zebra without so much as a glance. correct tick
  • The lion wandered past the zebra without so much as a glance. correct tick
  • (If there's a verb of motion (here, "wandered"), then it will be partnered with "past.")
  • The Harrier passed at an altitude of 100 feet. correct tick
  • The Harrier flew past at an altitude of 100 feet. correct tick
  • (If there's a verb of motion (here, "flew"), then it will be partnered with "past.")


The word "past" has several meanings (usually related to "time before the present" or to indicate movement "from one side of a reference point to the other side.") "Past" can be used as an adjective, an adverb, a noun, or a preposition.

Example Sentences with "Past"

As an adjective, "past" denotes time before the present.
  • This past year has been difficult for the recruiters. correct tick
  • She loves to tell us about past dance competitions in the hall. correct tick
As a noun, "past" means "the time before the present."
  • That's all in the past. correct tick
  • Can you dig into his past? correct tick
As an adverb, "past" means "beyond" or denotes movement "from one side of a reference point to the other."
  • Don't go past. correct tick
  • Alan ran past. correct tick
  • (Note: The word "past" is acting as an adverb in each of these examples. However, it could be argued that the word "past" is a preposition forming part of phrasal verb (like "to run away" or "to jump up"). See the similar examples below.)
As a preposition, "past" means "beyond" or denotes movement "from one side of a reference point to the other."
  • Don't go past the gate. correct tick
  • (past = beyond)
  • Alan ran past the postman. correct tick
  • (past = movement "from one side to the other")

Top Tip: Substitute with "Went Past"

When referring to movement, to test whether "passed" is correct, substitute it with "went past." If your sentence still makes sense, then "passed" is the correct version.
  • He passed the shop. correct tick
  • He went past the shop. correct tick
  • (As this still makes sense with "went past," then "passed" is correct.)
  • He skipped passed the shop. wrong cross
  • He skipped went past the shop. wrong cross
  • (As this still makes no sense when "went past" is substituted in, then "passed" is wrong.)
Substitute with "Gone Past." On occasion, it may be necessary to use "gone past" to test whether "passed" is correct. This is because "passed" is also the past passive participle of "to pass."
  • He has passed the dockyard. correct tick
  • He has gone past the dockyard. correct tick
  • (As this still makes sense with "gone past," then "passed" is correct.)

Common Expressions with "Past" and "Passed"

Here are some common terms with "passed" and "past."

Common terms with "passed":

  • passed away
  • passed a test
  • passed overhead

Common terms with "past":

  • past a date
  • past sell by date
  • past caring
  • past few days
  • past year
  • past midnight
  • the past weekend
  • run past
  • walked past
  • see past
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This page was written by Craig Shrives.

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