What Is the Difference between "Loath" and "Loathe"?
- "Loath" means "unwilling."
- He is loath to take a bath.
- "Loathe" means "to hate."
- Dexter loathes bath night.

More about Loath and Loathe
Writers occasionally confuse "loath" and "loathe." Their meanings are related as they both relate to not liking something.Loathe
"Loathe" is a verb meaning "to hate." In fact, many consider it even stronger than "to hate." It can also be translated as "to hate intensely."Example sentences with "loathe":
- She will eat just about anything, but she loathes celery.
- I loved the Army as an institution and loathed every single thing it required me to do.
Loath is an adjective meaning "unwilling."Example sentences with "loath":
- She is loath to join because her friends play for a rival team.
- Magazines and newspapers are loath to discuss these types of deals publicly.
- At daybreak, when loathe to rise, have this thought in thy mind: I am rising for a man's work.
Confusion Also Occurs in Speech
People confuse "loath" and "loathe" even when talking. This will help:- "Loath" ends in a hard "th" sound. It rhymes with "oath" or "both."
- "Loathe" ends in a soft "th" sound. It rhymes with "betroth."
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