What Is the Difference between "Jewelry" and "Jewellery"?
- "Jewelry" is the American spelling.
- The President received numerous expensive gifts, including sculptures, paintings, and jewelry. ()
- "Jewellery" is the non-American spelling.
- The Queen received numerous expensive gifts, including sculptures, paintings, and jewellery. ()
More about "Jewelry" and "Jewellery"
Writers are often unsure whether to use "jewelry" or "jewellery" when referring to decorative, usually valuable, personal ornaments. "Jewelry" is the preferred spelling in American English, while "jewellery" is the preferred spelling in British English.Examples of "jewellery" in British publications:
- A woman was robbed at knifepoint by a man who came to her home to view a piece of jewellery she had advertised over the internet. () (This is from a BBC article.)
- If you keep it subtle and meaningful, men can (just about) wear jewellery. () (This is from the British newspaper "The Guardian.")
- One of his favorite gifts is a jeweled white robe presented by Elvis Presley, adorned with the words "The People's Champion." () (This is from CNN.)
- The police have arrested a man in connection with the midday robbery last week of a jewelry store in Manhattan's diamond district () (This is from "The New York Times.")
The Complete List
American English ():
- Jewelry
- Jeweler
- Jeweled
- Jeweling
- Jewel
British English ():
- Jewellery
- Jeweller
- Jewelled
- Jewelling
- Jewel
The Differences between British English and American English
Watch a video showing 10 big differences between British English (BrE) and American English (AmE). video lessonAre you a visual learner? Do you prefer video to text? Here is a list of all our grammar videos.
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