What Is the Difference between "Altogether" and "All together"?
The Quick Answer
(adverb) "completely," "wholly," or "with everything considered"- I am not altogether sure.
- That will be 11 dollars altogether. Cash or card?
All Together
(adverb) "collectively"- Wait here all together at 11 o'clock.
- When I blow the whistle, all jump together.

- The pens are 5 Euros. The paper is 3 Euros. That is 8 Euros altogether.
- You must stand all together in the stadium.

More about "Altogether" and "All Together"
The confusion over "altogether" and "all together" is understandable because the terms are so close in meaning.Altogether
The adverb "altogether" means wholly, to the full extent, or with everything considered.Examples of "altogether" in sentences:
- I left him altogether convinced that the project will end on time.
- Altogether, Mark earns more than his cousin.
All Together
The term "all together" describes when a group acts or is acted upon collectively. (Of note, there can be other words between "all" and "together.")Examples of "all together" in sentences:
- I want you to sing all together.
- The soldiers stood all together waiting for the plane.
- I would like to see you all together.
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