What Is the Difference between "All ready" and "Already"?
The Quick Answer
All Ready
(adjective phrase) "ready" or "completely prepared"- We are all ready for the big day.
(adverb) "prior to a specified or implied time" or "as early as now"- We have already arrived.

- The team members are all ready.
- We have finished the task already.
All Ready
"All ready" means "completely prepared." It is more emphatic than just "ready," but - grammatically - it can be replaced with "ready."Here are some examples of "all ready" in sentences:
- Lillian is all ready. Mark is prepared to brief.
- Make sure everyone is all ready by 9 o'clock.
"Already" is an adverb meaning "prior to a specified or implied time" or "as early as now."Here are some examples of "already" in sentences:
- It is already illegal to culture human-animal embryos for more than fourteen days.
- When they pulled the shark up in the net it was already dead.
- The wild Hepatica Nobilis flowers are already blooming. This is one month earlier than last year.
More about "All Ready"
Of course, the word "all" (when used as an indefinite pronoun with a meaning similar to "everyone") can precede "ready."Example:
- Is John ready? Is Jane ready? Are you ready? Are you all ready?
- Yes, we are all all ready.
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