Collective Noun for Tigers

What Is a Group of Tigers Called?

A group of tigers is called a streak.
Collective NounUsage
streaka streak of tigers
collective noun for tigers

streak of tigers

What Type of Word is "Streak"?

The word "streak" is a collective noun. A collective noun is a word used to represent a group of people, animals, or things.

"Streak Is" or "Streak Are"?

Writers are often unsure whether to treat a collective noun like "streak" as singular or plural. As a general rule, you should treat a collective noun as singular. However, if the context of your sentence focuses on the individuals within the group, you should treat it as plural. For example:
  • The streak is moving nearer. correct tick
  • The streak are moving in different directions. correct tick
Here are 300 more collective nouns for animals.
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This page was written by Craig Shrives.