"ars longa" (Latin)

What does the Latin term ars longa mean?

homesitemapA-Z Latin terms ars longa
"Ars longa" is a Latin term that translates to "art is long." It is derived from the Latin expression "Ars longa, vita brevis," which means "art is long, life is short." The phrase conveys the idea that the pursuit of artistic endeavors requires a lifetime of dedication, practice, and learning.

Examples in Sentences

Here are three example sentences using the term "ars longa":
  • The artist devoted years to mastering his craft, understanding that ars longa - the journey of artistic expression is a lifelong endeavor.
  • Through her paintings, she expressed her belief that ars longa - the impact of art can transcend time and leave a lasting legacy.
  • The musician's commitment to continuous improvement exemplifies the notion of ars longa - the never-ending quest for artistic growth and refinement.
ars longa (meaning)

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This page was written by Craig Shrives.

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